The_Yoda said:
@Mummelmann @SvennoJ If you have access to FandangoAtHome all 6 seasons are US 59.99. At Christmas I got all 6 seasons for I think $25 (I bought a bunch of series on sale so I cannot remember how much I paid for each). Big downside being it is only 1080p. Compared to Bluray though you can get the whole series in lesser quality for the price of one season on Bluray. |
Not available in Canada.
I have the first 4 seasons on blu-ray, last 2 Amazon simply won't release in Canada. I can import them from the states for CAD 50, but fuck Trump land. I'm boycotting all imports for the next 4 years. Amazon is complicit as well, double boycott lol.
I'm on the last season of Lost atm, next on my list is Yellowstone.