Damn! That was intense. "And DIE!" I love this one while high. The colours, the intensity of the characters, the animation, and the fact that it split between the experiences of multiple characters, rather than just focusing on a single story. But the main question I find myself with is who would have sex with Maleficent? I mean, "don't stick your dick in crazy" is kind of an understatement here. But she wears all that makeup, including nail polish - she might be doing it because she wants to attract someone for intercourse. But she acts like that? Cluster 2 personality disorder for certain - she's a bit antisocial, a bit borderline, and a bit histrionic.
They had drugs in mind when making this as much as Fantasia and Alice in Wonderland.
She's Kefka's loony bin sister!
I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.