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killer7 said:
Doctor_MG said:

Edit: Initially I read your comment incorrectly. Anyway, to the point, I don't see why a fixed PS2 that is resold by Sony in some capacity couldnt count for a shipped unit when Sony themselves state on the exact same page as the PS2 total number shipped that they include refurbished units in their shipped totals. So are you arguing that, say, the PS4 total shipped number is incorrect too? 

I don't think dev kits count as a produced PS2 unit. I would imagine they would have some other category for that.

IF this number is true, 160,6 million IS the final PRODUCTION number wich includes every Playstation 2 that was ever produced. No matter if shipped to stores for costumer sale or for demo purpuses. Dev kit? Ok we can argue about that, but a demo station is a PS2 thats made for gaming, o it is counted for sure. But as we already know, shipped demo units get sent back to Sony after its life span so they cannot be counted as "shipped to stores" let alone "sold to costumer". But i am absolutley convinced Sony included this number in their 160 million number. We also have to take into account that some Demo PS2s broke and had to be replaced (because fixing was not possible in every case!) So every replaced demo station is also a produced unit. And you can be sure that was not a rare case at all!! IF they really included refurbished numbers, their final shipment to stores number must be even smaller. You understand what i mean? 160,6 million PRODUCED is one thing, 160,6 million SHIPPED is another!

I'm not saying 160.6M produced = shipped. I honestly don't know how that was miscommunicated, but the intent of my argument is to show that you can ship 160M and still produce only 160.6M. This was to counter the idea that because Sony shipped over 160M (confirmed by Sony) that they must have produced 170M+ PS2s. I think the produced number of 160.6M can be accurate AND the shipped number of over 160M can be accurate at the same time. 

I'm saying demo units don't have to make up millions of units, refurbished consoles can count towards shipped, and dev kits may not be included in the total amount produced at all. All of this is to show how 160.6M produced can still be accurate given what we know about shipment numbers.