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Jumpin said:
Sephiran said:

The interesting thing about TOTK is that in Japan it sold around as much as BOTW, if the ratio was the same outside Japan for TOTK it would have sold over 30 million already.

I wonder if price had much to do with it. In Japan, the price was roughly the same as Breath of the Wild, but outside of Japan it cost ~10USD more. Could it be that the price cost them ~10 million sales?

I think it's just the fact that Japan is currently the strongest region for Switch 1.

Outside of the holiday season, America and Europe are noticeably behind Japan, which absolutely carries Switch 1 sales from Jan-Oct. and Switch 1 is by far the #1 platform over there. Whereas America and Europe have mostly moved on/waiting for Switch 2, Japan is still perfectly content and eager for more Switch 1 content because that's the standard over there.