Jimbo1337 said:
First sentence: "...if it was done in a legal manner" --> From that, a reader can only conclude the user is stating this is illegal. Second sentence: "seems like it's in the gray area at best and straight up illegal at worst" --> Now the user doesn't know if it is illegal or not and therefore cannot state the legal code that makes it illegal. Third sentence: "It's not just about what is happening, it's also about how it's happening." --> We now learn it's not about legality, but rather the user doesn't like HOW it's happening. People want (user included) transparency but don't like how it is being unveiled. Make it make sense. When you spell everything out, it makes it abundantly clear how the goal posts move within a given post. Gotta love it. |
I'm not going to continue discussion with a person who is clearly trying to find every possible way to misinterpret my post and then proceeds to do just that. If you choose to engage with me in bad faith, there is no meaningful discussion we can possibly have.