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-Ya well we've got a super strong auto sector says our politicians.... LOL. Oh you mean Ford, GM, Dodge, Toyota, Honda, VW, etc? Ours did you say? We're a gigantic Country with 40mil people, all heavily dependent on automobiles, and we don't even have 1 mass manufacturer of our own.

-Well we'll go after Musks business Starlink, even though his sector of the U.S. Gov has nothing to do with tariffs, while hurting rural Canadians who's internet options are beyond pathetic and way overpriced. What about the man who's directly responsible for the tariffs, who also has a billion dollar business? What are we going to target Trumps businesses with you ask? Oh it's a doozy! ........Absolutely nothing. LOL.

Not surprised in the slightest that Trumps getting his licks in. We can't even stop beating ourselves up. Maybe we'll get some sense knocked into us this way.

And people wonder why we're in this mess. If only the schools and news organizations actually did their jobs and properly taught and informed the people.