If we compare shipments of prior Nintendo systems. Specifically, the DS and 3DS, from January of the year their successor launched until discontinuation, this is what we got.
DS - 9.43 million units shipped
3DS - 10.64 million units shipped.
Assuming Switch 1's final shipments from here on out falls within this range, we're looking at 160.29 - 161.5 million units LTD.
Goddamn it, I REALLY hope Switch 1 finishes below 160m, above 161.8m, or Sony actually gives as an actual final tally for the PS2. Because if THAT'S where Switch 1 finishes, the debates are never going to end!!
Hardware Comparison Threads:
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Switch 1 '25 vs DS '11, 3DS '17, and Wii '12
Older Threads:
PlayStation/Xbox/Switch: 2022 Edition
PlayStation/Xbox/Switch Hardware Battle: 2021 Edition!
PlayStation 4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch: 2019 vs. 2020
PlayStation 4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch: 2018 vs. 2019
PlayStation 4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch: 2017 vs. 2018
PlayStation 4: 2015 vs. 2016 vs. 2017