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SvennoJ said:
IkePoR said:

Okay cool so they can pay their tarrifs then.  You passive-aggressively trying to call me stupid to not get modded is cute, but you agreeing they'll do what America wants is all I care about. 

American consumers are paying the tarrifs... It's an added sales tax on stuff imported from abroad. The other countries aren't paying that, your importers are paying the extra tax. Higher prices, lower sales, less imports, bad for the countries it's imported from. But they're not paying your tarrifs.

Hence retaliatory tarrifs sucks equally bad, since now everything I like to buy from the states is going up in price. Bad for me, bad for American sellers/exporters.

Hence I'll be more inclined to buy stuff from Europe / Asia instead, and exporters will find better markets overseas as well. A trade war between USA and Canada helps no one. Just further shipping as a result, bad for the environment.

The tariffs are always less about the money and more about the leverage.  It's why Biden kept them on Chinese imports - China plays criminally dirty in trade.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"