Ryuu96 said: "I broke the law that day, period. Black and white," Pamela Hemphill told NPR's All Things Considered of the role she regrets playing at the Capitol that day. "I'm not a victim, I'm a volunteer." Taking a pardon now in light of her actions, Hemphill said, "would be a slap in the face to the Capitol police officers, to the rule of law and to our whole nation." "I would be contributing to their false propaganda that they continue to gaslight the nation and everyone, that it was a peaceful protest." Jan. 6 Defendant Pamela Hemphill Turns Down Trump's Pardon Credit to those who break out of the brainwashing and can rehabilitate themselves. Rare MAGA person capable of self-reflection. Then there's this dumbass. Man Pardoned For Role In January 6 Attack Rearrested On Federal Gun Charges |
One of the guys Trump pardoned for J6 is still in prison for possession of CP.
Kentuckians convicted of Jan. 6 Capitol violence pardoned by Trump - NPR
“Another Kentuckian recently charged with assaulting officers had his charges dropped Wednesday before facing trial. Andrew Kyle Grigsby of Louisville was indicted just last week on five felonies, alleged to have used bear spray against officers.
Though a federal judge granted a motion to dismiss Grigsby’s charges Wednesday, he is not yet a free man. He is currently incarcerated in a Kentucky prison, following his guilty plea last year for two counts of possessing or viewing of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor.”