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In the United States, there’s one other factor that gets overlooked in the lack of social cohesion.

Religion, especially evangelical Christianity, has been a big driver in propagating an us versus them mentality, both within the country and without it. The evangelical church is thoroughly tied to the Republican political machine, and helps drive animosity towards minorities, the LGBTQ+, and women’s rights. It promotes cohesion within the group while promoting division outside of the group. We saw this in action with the evangelical backlash against Bishop Budde - whose first sin is being a woman in a position of power in the Episcopalian Church. Evangelicals do not believe women should hold any authority in the church. That she dared rebuke Trump was nothing short of blasphemy against God himself in their eyes.

While social media does help facilitate the evangelical agenda, the root cause is the religion itself. I don’t know how our society could address this issue. But it’s sn elephant in the room that we need to address. 

Last edited by SanAndreasX - on 24 January 2025