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RolStoppable said:

Trump's idiocy is living up to expectations so far.

Worth reiterating here is that anyone who voted Trump is either evil or an idiot.

I think the worst thing is that I've been saying this for years now and keep getting warnings/bans for it. 

Ethics aren't that complicated. Pattern recognition isn't that complicated. Correctly identifying bad-faith arguments and where they lead is not that complicated but we're supposedly expected to give them the benefit of the doubt before pre-judging. 

But honestly, if it goose-steps like a nazi, it's probably a nazi. and Nazis are bad. The entire world went to war over it. The issue is settled. IT was not hard to identify, as far back as 2016, that this was where shit was headed. Again, history classes exist for a reason. Pattern recognition is key. 

and to anyone trying to downplay the risks because they were either too stupid to identify the direction shit was headed or were secretly glad for those things to happen (like the erosion of women's rights, queer rights, what  little racial equality we had, etc), yeah...for once I agree with Rol about something. Y'all are the dumbest people alive or straight up evil. There is no middle ground there. You're either too stupid to see all the warning signs, willing to forgive them, or were outright cheering for objectively terrible things to happen.

All for the false hope you'll save a few bucks in taxes every year. 

I do not know how to impart empathy or reason in people. We've been telling y'all for years that Trump and the entire conservative party are grifters but nooooo.

a little bit of bigotry and tribalism goes a long way. "Cut off the nose to spite the face" and all that. Lovely.

and now America is actively trying to make enemies of every nation in the developed world that it once called allies. 

Can someone who is FOR all this actually give me a good reason why you think any of this is a good thing? Rejecting allies, going hard on xenophobia and racism, eroding civil rights, doubling down on practices that make life in America expensive and hard on all but the wealthiest? Can someone. PLEASE make it make sense. Because it doesn't. At all. It really does feel like some of you just really hate minorities a tonne and would do anything to see them queers and beaners (I think that's the racist term for Mexican?) suffer enough to no longer taint the straight white view that you deem as the only thing that is acceptable. 

Fucking bigotry and ignorance at every level. 

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