Slownenberg said: 1. Personally, I'd say late May / early June launch for right when kids and college students (at least in the US, no idea how other countries school schedules operate) have just gotten out of or are about to get out of school for the summer. Priced at $399.99. 2. Must have 3D Mario on launch day. And back that up with Metroid Prime 4 released cross gen on launch day with upgraded visuals for the next gen version. Same thing for a cross gen Pokemon Legends A-Z. Mario + Metroid + Pokemon would make Nintendo's strongest launch in history, even with two of them being cross gen. 3. Follow that up with Mario Kart 9 a little over a month later (similar to how the Switch did BotW in March and then MK8D in April), so MK9 sometime in July. Also have MK9 incorporate more Nintendo IP in terms of tracks, characters, and for the first time: items! Also have a full DKR-style mission mode for 1-player or multiplayer. I mean hell they've had a decade since MK8 originally released so they've had plenty of time to make a huge upgrade to the series. 4. Have NSO working on Switch 2 on day 1. And after the launch excitement and then the Mario Kart excitement has died down a little, announce by end of August that Gamecube is immediately being added to NSO Expansion Pack. And either have Wind Waker in the initial batch of games or release HD Wind Waker as a standalone title and add the original WW to NSO later on. 5. Announce that Switch 2 will finally move users away from friend codes to have actual searchable user names and regular online communication between friends, along with online play audio chat done through the system. So basically vastly upgrading the usability of online play. 6. Fall lineup includes long awaited Star Fox and Fzero sequels, with the big game being a fresh new 3D Donkey Kong game (hopefully done extremely well rather than the mediocre disaster that was the only other attempt at 3D DK haha). |
I agree mostly with yours though point 6 won't have any effect on 1st year success, instead I would space out 3D Mario, Prime 4 and MK9 more (for example: launch, september, holiday) which is more realistic and makes more sense to keep continous hype throughout the year.
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