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I use Windows for work, a Mac for home computing and a Steam Deck for gaming. I would NEVER completely ditch Windows as it's by far the most reliable OS for 95% of jobs that actually need a PC.

I think the base premise that a large chunk of PC's are sold just for gaming is also questionable. Sure, gaming might be a main reason why someone buys a PC, but I can guarantee you that in 99% of cases it's also for other tasks as well. We live in a gaming bubble where it feels that PC's are used only for gaming, while Steam reports clearly shows that the VAST majority of gamers use fairly mid-ranged gaming laptops, laptops that they probably also use for their work or other hobby projects.

Would I get a PC with SteamOS? Sure! I LOVE my SD, it's by far the best purchase I made (gaming wise) since I bought a PS4 way back in 2016. Would I dump Windows? Absolutely not.

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