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Runa216 said:
TheTitaniumNub said:

I am gay, live with my boyfriend, we are both huge gaming nerds, we most certainly don't wanna see things like that in our video games, escapes from reality. It's not as common as you think. 

So? That doesn't mean it doesn't have a place in the medium. 

That's the glorious part about any art, it's as much about expression as it is about the industry. I don't want to be reminded of mental health problems as a person who suffers through them but that doesn't mean Senua's Sacrifice isn't a beautiful piece of art. There's room for everything in the medium, there's room for violence, there's room for messages, there's room for diversity, there's room for so many things and the correct thing to do when you see something you're not into or don't feel appeals to you is to simply be quiet and move on. 

Not loudly decry its existence.

Because when you (Not YOU in particular, the royal you; I'm not following the intricacies of your particular arguments close enough to know if it applies to you) do nothing but complain about wokeness or DEI or whatever, you're not actually saying 'I think this is forced', you're saying 'this is bad and I'd like to stop it from happening'. 

There's absolutely room for a discussion about when diversity and progress gets in the way of making a good game. There's a mature discussion to be had around the concept of compromising the art in order to focus test and hit a broader audience...but that's almost never what these discussions are actually about. They're never mature. They're never nuanced and always devoid of appropriate historical context. Sure, the people screaming 'woke' always pretend that it's about that but the actual discussions never are and the fact that so many people are complaining about 'bawwww, I don't want to play as this minority' or 'this is just DEI and it's ruining the game' before games even come out shows it's just not about the actual concerns.

IT's just a hard-coded message of 'I don't believe these minorities deserve to be represented'. Again, y'all will bend over backwards to try to pretend it's about not compromising the art but it's always mindless bitching about an over-representation or overcompensation of some sort. I Can't actually think of a whole lot of examples of times when a product was ACTUALLY compromised to force diversity and the handful of examples that do come up are pretty big failures. They're just also a small minority since a lot of games (and all media, really) with messages are among the most successful. Because art is often inspired by the politics and progressive values of any given time. 

That's why I am physically, emotionally, and mentally incapable of taking people who bitch about 'wokeness' seriously. Because I've seen where the discussions always go and it's never to a place of mature debate, it's just whiny people pre-emptively hating anything that shows even the slightest sliver of diversity then working backwards from their place of ignorance to justify it. Always. I would LOVE to be presented with a decent argument as to why 'wokeness' is bad or ruining the medium but in my 30+ years of gaming I just don't see that being the case. I do not see any patterns that support that theory and in fact find that games (And other forms of media) have been getting better the more we let artists speak through their art. I might not like it all, but the more we let the artistic people do their job, the better the medium gets. 

And if you (Again, not necessarily YOU in particular, the royal 'you' encapsulating the majority of the arguments here) actually cared about the integrity of the medium you'd at the very least wait until a game comes out to start bitching about wokeness and DEI. But that's never how it goes. And I never see any arguments worth directly contesting. 

Which is a shame because I'd love to have a discussion on the matter with someone who's not a complete chode. Like I said, there's a very good discussion to be had on this topic but I don't see any points on the anti-woke side that are more substantive than 'I hate all diversity unless it is approved by me and my kin and will work backwards from that place of ignorance to justify my bigotry'. Because in all my time watching these debates, that is what all of the debates boil down to. 

And sorry, but that's not how art works. IF you cared or genuinely just wanted to maintain integrity you'd keep your mouth shut and let your wallet do the talking but instead so many people chose to make 'progress is bad' their entire identity and scream about it every chance they get. Behaviour speaks, and the behaviour makes it clear that these anti-woke chodes actively don't want progress to exist unless it's approved by them. They want to stop it, to halt it, and to reverse it to a time when only their narrow views were catered to. 

There's a whole spectrum of possibility in so many areas of life, I just don't understand the 'no there's just this small bundle of approved content and anything else will be disparaged until it leaves us alone' mentality. It happens in politics, it happens in art, it happens in life, and I'm just so sick of it. I'm sick of this idea that what one person likes gets to dictate what others get to enjoy. IF you don't like the bald woman in the space game, go play starfield (And then bitch that there's options to chose your pronouns.) There's so many options out there that there's no way you can't find anything to tickle your taint just right. 

IF you're too busy complaining about wokeness/DEI/progress then you don't care about the integrity of the medium, you just hate representation that doesn't appeal to you.

And no, being gay (or any minority) while also having these views doesn't magically exclude you. 

I may be gay, but I'm also a sane person. While my boyfriend and I don't like DEI stuff, political messages, all that dumb stuff, I don't ever actually complain or bitch about any of it, a waste of time. I just pointed out my situation because, and I'm not sure why, but I read your message as "If i were gay, I wanted that" and it just made me think you maybe thought all gay people wanted that, that's all. Games like Veilguard are perfectly fine to exist, just because I think it's bad storytelling, doesn't mean I'm gonna bitch about it, I simply ignore the game, don't give them my business, and move on with my life. I think more people should try it.