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There's a couple of things, but I'll limit it at 3 examples :

- Astral Chain, it's the new core IP from this generation defining that found a somewhat successful base amongst the core gamers of the platform. Stands to become even better with a second game ... Maybe someday?

- The Famicom Detective Club revival. Being arguably one of the most surprising revival for a series that didn't get a thing since the SNES. The remakes of the first two games were already pretty great since the historical value and it's production value(top of the line Adventure/VN) were amongst the best of the genre. Then, they had to surprise us this year with a new entry in the series, which has arguably one of the most shocking story ever told in a Nintendo game (it pulled it off nicely too).
Don't know if we'll anything else from it but this has to be celebrated !

- The Xenoblade series, what else ?
Prior to the Switch, the series had only one game and a port of it and while quite well reviewed, it never found a success to the highs of it's "popularity". This generation changed that. The series ended up in the time of 8 years to get two new acclaimed games, two full campaign expansions, a remake of the original and now the upcoming remaster of Xenoblade X this next March.
All this arguably torpedoed the franchise into the more well known JRPGs of the market, while having a successful growing core on the Switch ecosystem.

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