BFR said:
Pi, are you kidding me? Way back when C-19 first started, I heard these reports in the news, and it pissed me off that it was taken seriously by some mainstream news media. |
I guess the question is why does that have anything to do with effectively combating the virus. Whether it started in China, US, Russia it really does not matter. If I was an enemy of the US and I released a virus and noticed that almost half of the US population thought doing nothing to combat the virus is the right response, I would consider that as a win. Meaning that half of the US population is more concerned about a bunch of rumors than actually effectively fighting the virus with well known science but instead a bunch of junk they read from the net.
Think about it this way, as multiple places were researching to combat the virus, the CDC giving out guidelines to help slow its progress and help our healthcare facilities to not be overwhelmed by sick people, conservatives were doing everything they could think of to find a way to do nothing. They complained about mask, social distancing, vax, children not able to attend school you name it but when some internet rumor goes viral about some horse dewormer medicine to fight the virus, they jump on that without any real studies on the matter.