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I also noticed that too with how they said "over 160 million" instead of "over 161 million." If it really did sell that much, they would have just said it like they did with the PS1 "over 102 million," PS3 "over 87 million," and PS4 "over 117 million."

Now it's entirely possible that Sony is trolling Nintendo and as the Switch gets close to 160 million (assuming it has the gas left in the tank to get there) they may come out and say "Actually, it's 162 million."

But again, why not just say that right here and now?
And what's with this "one of the best-selling consoles ever?"
No, it's cleary THE best-selling system ever? There's no debate, the PS2 is #1 all-time.
So why not just say THAT too?
Unless... they think it won't be #1 for much longer...