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KratosLives said:

Who has time for games average mid 8's?? My backlog won't allow it.

Slightly off topic but this post reminds of something important. Not targeted at you specifically but people please give "mid" 8/10 games chances, don't always buy into hype of scores. Scores in my opinion reflect objective polish discerned by reviewers but not necessarily how much you will enjoy an experience.

My favourite game of the generation has actually been Guardians of the Galaxy, I picked it up after watching the DF tech review and realised that I was really craving a good sci-fi romp. Gameplay was "mid" by many accounts but fun and incorporated some nice team mechanics into puzzle solving and combat. The story telling however was easily amongst the best we've in the industry in terms of script writing and performances. It's both playful but gets serious when it needs to. Visually the art direction was great and highly distinct for Sci-fi. Then as Sci-fi was concerned it was able to scratch an itch that simply isn't being touched by other AAA games and was the closest I got to feeling Mass Effect had current gen cousin.

Everyone I've recommended it to has come away with the same sentiments and have been surprised by how much they enjoyed. For sure, lean into whatever is pulling you from your back catalogue but I think our generation has gotten a bit obsessed over numbers when it comes to reviews. Focus more on what sort of experience may bring you joy. All the RPGS released this year are highly distinct, so I don't even think they're in direct competition. What you get from one, you won't necessarily get from another. 

*queue Guardians of the Galaxy propaganda*