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The truth is most people have to settle for what they have.

If everyone had a legit high end theater room in their house like what generally rich(er) people have and they had a choice of watching movies on that screen or their TV, I would bet more often that not for movies they would rather watch on the home theater screen. When put side by side, it's just a better experience, there's a reason why filmmakers make films for a big screen format. 

Now people let their resentment of movie ticket prices, concession prices, poor upkeep of some theaters, poor behavior of patrons, etc. etc. cloud the issue, but if you made it a true 1:1 comparison and gave people their own high end home theater inside their home with a display of 150-300 inches, IMO I think that's the room they'd choose to watch the majority of their movies in. 

The other thing is a lot of home video releases are color graded like dog shit. Feature films are color graded for projectors and movie theaters first and foremost, then afterwards someone else does the home video master.

Then you have revised looks for movies which are terrible too, like almost every home video release of The Matrix looks like shit compared to the original theatrical release because they retroactively added a fugly ass green tint to the movie.

Last edited by Soundwave - 2 days ago