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LegitHyperbole said:
Soundwave said:

People underestimate how much of a difference a 100 foot screen makes because they don't have a direct compartive when they sit down at the theater, as in if you put the best OLED display next to a good projector side by side, sure the OLED will have nicer picture quality, but I'd bet most people would prefer to watch the (way) larger image. It's far more cinematic.

I have a pretty high end projector in my home and it's set to 150 inches, but I'd much rather watch movies on that than my 65 inch OLED, the screen size difference is just massive even at 150 inches, you're not going to get a television that size for a reasonable price anytime probably even in a decade. And it makes the movie watching experience feel much more like what I assume the director intended. Movies are created for the big screen. 

Nah, not really. I'm 10 feet away from a 50 inch and I get that cinematic effect. It's really just a novel feeling you get in the cinema, if you got used to it it wears off. You can mimic the big screen experience in VR and basically have a cinema in your home but the novelty of it and having to turn your head and all that is worse than 10 feet from a 50 inch. 

I'd never go with a projector, waste of money when TV screens have gotten so good. You're only hurting your neck for some foe feeling of geanduer that doesn't last. 

You're wrong on this IMO. 

If you were to sit down in a good theater with a properly calibrated projector + sound system and were watching a movie and then half way through we paused that and wheeled in a tiny ass 75 inch OLED, even if you moved much closer to the OLED, sure the colors would "pop" a bit more, but in that case I doubt anyone would prefer that presentation over what they were watching for the first half of the movie. 

The comparison is only flattering because most people forget in the weeks/months it takes for certain movies to arrive on home video really what the theater experience was like. If you could put them side by side it would be a lot more jarring. 

I have both and can speak with experience on the pros/cons of both. I have a OLED upstairs and in my home theater downstairs I have a 150 inch projector with an ALR (ambient light rejecting) screen. After watching movies on both, for movies I much rather watch on the projector/150 inch screen. It's just dwarfs the 65 inch OLED, when I have friends over they pretty much agree too. It makes watching older movies great too, was just watching Ghostbusters (1984) and it feels like a new movie when you're watching it on a display that basically takes up an entire wall. 

Since I've gotten my projector set up I pretty watch zero movies on the OLED any more, it's basically just for TV/sports. 

Last edited by Soundwave - 3 days ago