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The_Liquid_Laser said:
Leynos said:

Naming more wrong answers means nothing. Wolfenstien wasn't the first either.

Maze War comes from the 1970s. Same with Spasim. Midi Maze on Atari ST. Hovertank from Id Software even predates Wolfen 3D. The name escapes me atm but NES had one. There is a reason we have the words first and popularize. Nintendo did not invent Analog sticks either but they popularized them. Apple did not invent MP3 players but they popularized them.

The games come first, then we invent words to describe the genre when there are enough games of that type.  Pong was not the first table tennis game, but none of us would be playing video games if it weren't for Pong.  The games that first popularize a genre really matter more than the game that was technically the first but was a bad game.

Such a narrow-minded phrase. And historically, factually wrong.

Videogames existed before Pong, be it on Mainframes like Tennis For Two (which predates Pong by 14 years!) or the Arcade cabinet Computer Space (which came out a year before Pong and was a derivative of Spacewar!, which came out 10 years earlier), Videogaming was well on it's way, if if Pong never had existed.

By the way: Spacewar! => First Shooter.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - 1 day ago