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The_Liquid_Laser said:
Leynos said:

Flimsy excuse and long winded way to say you don't know to name popular games you know.

The first in a genre is the first in a genre. Future games may become more popular but they learn from what came before.

Except I've named more games than anyone else.

If Wolfenstein 3D was the only FPS game, then there would never be a FPS genre.  It was not good enough to inspire imitators.  Once Doom came along, then there were a ton of imitators.  Doom is the game that actually made this style of game a genre.  The imitators are what turn a unique type of game into a whole genre.

Naming more wrong answers means nothing. Wolfenstien wasn't the first either.

Maze War comes from the 1970s. Same with Spasim. Midi Maze on Atari ST. Hovertank from Id Software even predates Wolfen 3D. The name escapes me atm but NES had one. There is a reason we have the words first and popularize. Nintendo did not invent Analog sticks either but they popularized them. Apple did not invent MP3 players but they popularized them.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!