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A big issue I have with a lot of this thread is that it is incredibly subjective. 

Comedy is subjective. 

Boundaries are subjective. 

A lot of people here are coming into this discussion talking about completely different things. A lot of people are coming into this discussion with completely different baggage (I'm upset about ____ being cancelled or something).

A lot of people here might even be interpreting "comedians" differently from each other. 

A lot of people have different ideas on how boundaries should be enforced or not enforced. Then people are being expected to take ownership of someone else's viewpoint on how enforcement happens, on the basis that they agree with boundaries existing.

LegitHyperbole said:

I was very badly bullied as a child so I do know but... we aren't kids anymore and if ya haven't grown thicker skin by now something has gone wrong. I'd hardly think there are any kids on this forum. 

I feel like people usually have two completely opposite responses to this kind of thing. They either accept it, and go well that's just how things are. Or they go the completely opposite direction and think that no one else should have to deal with that after them. 

I personally think the latter takes the thicker skin. You have to stand up to bullies, and you often have to be on your own - have to reject a lot of people that you knew growing up.