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Runa216 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

When shit gets hard and humour is needed this will all change. And it looks like the world is about to or sliding into hard mode right now, people will think less about such trivial things like offensive language and being offended. At any rate this is only an Internet problem, you think people in everyday life are censoring themselves or afraid to cross the line with humor... nah. Not even in work places, I'd imagine. But God it is something that needs to go away and not seep down to everyday life cause humour is what let's us relieve tension and we need that tension release these days. As for stand ups, I see no line within reasonn hell cross the line if you've tested and are confident in the joke at the end of the day it's the comedians job to read the room and to press on the line as much as possible. Dave Chappelle is the perfect example, a master of flirting with the line. 

Do you people genuinely not understand the significance of the difference of punching up vs punching down? Not know the difference between teasing something for something they said or did vs something out of their control? the difference between comedy and mean-spirited bullying? 

It baffles me that so many people genuinely seem to believe that all behaviour is acceptable as long as you tag it as humour, that context doesn't matter, and that compassion and empathy are weakness.

True comedy doesn't have barriers, this is true. As discussed in this thread. The thing is, a lot of stuff people laugh at isn't comedy. it's bullying with a 'comedy' mask. I can't ever see someone complaining about how 'sensitive' people are now without assuming they'd call me a retard or faggot or drop hard-R n-bombs if they thought they could get away with it. People aren't too sensitive, some people are just dicks or actively trying to use the blanket of 'humour' to get away with being an ignorant dick. 

It's like people committing acts of assault then crying 'it's just a prank, bro', like that makes it okay, then bitching about how some people are so sensitive to their audience. 

I was very badly bullied as a child so I do know but... we aren't kids anymore and if ya haven't grown thicker skin by now something has gone wrong. I'd hardly think there are any kids on this forum. Bullying with comedy mask my arse, if you go into a venue to watch a comedian you should know what you're in for. Also, it's only the person the joke is targeted at that has the right to offense. If someone makes a joke around the word retard, you don't have the right to be offended on my behalf cause I'm autistic. I don't have the right to your offense either but you know what right we both have, to leave the venue and not support the comedian. That goes for minorities, you don't have the right to their offense and if they don't seem bothered you shouldn't. Comedians get canceled all the time, the guy from Seinfeld went too far as one example and that's how it should work but to control every comedian preemptively is a mark of fascism.

As for people outside of comedy clubs, it's a prank bro is not what we're talking about. Everyone agrees that behaviour is fucking stupid. That's strawmanning the issue of normal human interaction and joking behaviour between people, you'd be shocked at how people joke with eachother. Social norms are different everywhere and everyone has to read to room and the person but I don't want to see people's humour with each other go away no matter how anti scoial it may seem. You have the right to tell the person you don't like that kind of behaviour but to ask them to halt all joking around you is entitled and childish. To bring it up in a work place or other setting and have it policed is a self centered, dick move and to try and control it on a societal level is simply a mark of fascism.

Hey, if you want to be a fascist, more power to ya. I for one do not.