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RolStoppable said:
firebush03 said:

“I agree with him that such polls have little to no value.” What’s your evidence that Biden reaching a ceasefire agreement would cause more harm than good? Beyond just gut feeling.

”pressuring Israel into a ceasefire agreement would take nothing short of providing no aid to Israel anymore AND threatening them with sanctions. This wouldn't bode well for the American election.” What’s your evidence this wouldn’t bode well for the American election? Again, beyond just disputing the entirety of polling and relying solely on what your gut tells you?

@the-pi-guy You reading this, right? You have told me in the past “What would it take to convince you? If all evidence we provide isn’t sufficient, I don’t believe anything will be sufficient.” How would you respond to RolStoppable and Sundino13 in this instance? They are literally stating that you cannot trust polling b/c polling error exists lol.

Ryuu's post with the most recent swing state polls is the evidence. Harris leads in Michigan in all polls; within the margin of error, but it's a lead nonetheless. You made the claim that Michigan is lost for the Democrats and you have yet to provide any evidence; a nationwide poll doesn't qualify as evidence.

…so, we’re switching topics? Okay lol. To address this point, my claim that Harris is in a tricky position with Michigan shouldn’t be interpreted as I deny the polls: Yes, Harris is leading in all midwestern states. What you have to keep in mind here is that dismissing the polls altogether is far different than considering potential for MoE. I believe these polls are 95% reliable…not 100%. If 2016/2020 are any indicators, there is legitimate reason to be skeptical of a Harris victory solely according to the polls (especially in a state such as Michigan where the error between poll and actual was around 4pts in favor of Rep both in 2016/2020).

I hope this response will be helpful in you providing a response to my prior msg btw. No point in switching between topics unless concessions are made and agreement (to an extent) is reached.