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Mnementh said:
RolStoppable said:

On a sidenote, American campaigns take forever. For example, Austria elected a new government this past Sunday. An election in late September means that campaigns start in earnest in early September, so it's all done in a single month. We only needed a few weeks to make our fascist party win the election.

LOL. But be assured, you can blame germany for it:

Great read. Scholz isn't failing only the Germans.

Ryuu96 said:

Austria's far-right winning, Hungary already having a far-right government and the far-right increasing in Germany.

Joking But it is a bit worrying, from an individual countries perspective, doesn't help that they all suck up to Russia too.

In a normal country this wouldn't matter, but in Austria we have the messed up situation that the conservatives are not only willing to enter, but would also most prefer a coalition with the far-right. They have one condition though: The current leader of the far-right has to stay out of government.

I doubt that nutjob will budge. The amusing thing is that the conservatives and social democrats combine for the slimmest of majorities: One seat. So there is a quite easy way out of these election results, although another option that has been thrown around is that the conservatives and social democrats could add one of the two smaller parties in a three-way coalition for a more reliable majority. Doesn't sound good, because the more parties in a coalition, the harder it will be to come to agreements.

Anyway, it's expected to take several months until Austria's next government will be finalized.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.