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JWeinCom said:
JWeinCom said:

Ooooooh... This answer to Jan 6th is absolutely fucking awful. Let's see if Walz can pounce.

If there is a moment in this debate that matters, this was it. The fact that Vance will not answer whether he thinks the 2020 election was won by Joe Biden, and Trump's insistence it wasn't, should be the end of the campaign for any rational person. Vance trying to pivot to Facebook censorship was incredibly transparent. This is really some 1984 style shit Vance is trying to pull by pretending what Trump did after the 2020 election was just politics as usual. Yes, Hilary Clinton complained about Russian interference. But, she conceded the election on November 9th. She did not suggest that Joe Biden refuse to acknowledge the election results. And Joe Biden did indeed certify the election according to the procedures in place. Democrats grumbled. They did not go through the capital with zip ties and gallows literally calling for the death of Mike Pence. 

I don't think Walz did as well as possible, but he was smart to end with a call to action. Is this going to convince any Trump voters to switch sides? Probably not. But hopefully it will refresh the memory of some sane people and get them out to the polls. 

Looks like it was a rather boring debate in comparison to the presidential one. Also, I doubt that this debate was important to begin with. Before the week is over, Trump's stupidity will have taken the spotlight again and Walz vs. Vance will be forgotten.

On a sidenote, American campaigns take forever. For example, Austria elected a new government this past Sunday. An election in late September means that campaigns start in earnest in early September, so it's all done in a single month. We only needed a few weeks to make our fascist party win the election.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.