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Astrobot for the win.

Funnily enough I'm playing both Astro and FFVII Rebirth at the same time

For sure Astro is the more polished product helped by its much smaller scope, but I that consideration in scope is something that really needs to be brought back with AAA gaming. I'm increasingly enjoying Rebirth as the story picks up but the game I think falls into this trap of unnecessarily bloating every area in it with content, crafting loot and excessive set pieces. We really need to go back to a time where we acknowledge that giving the player over the shoulder control over every action and environment does not = more immersion. There have been so many times in Rebirth where I've been battling with a camera within a small indoor environment, or a location which is super iconic in the OG VII is now a bit less so because the overwhelming amount of detail, directions and lack of focus/guiding of the players attention and eye. Boss Battles that before were clean are now as visual mess with things happening in every corner of the screen and lack of visibility on what your team mates are doing. Its a great game, I just think the experience is harmed a bit by forced expectations of what a modern AAA game must be.