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Chazore said:
EricHiggin said:

EA and DICE did the same thing with BFV in 2018, talking up how accurate the game was going to be when it couldn't be any clearer it wasn't very accurate, and that did not end well. That was also back when there was minor pushback against those things compared to now.

If I were Ubi, I'd either come clean that accuracy was not key to the games direction, or take the time to make AC Shadows much more accurate. Problem now however, is if they do take the time with a delay, they need to make sure it's insanely accurate, because people will go through that game with a fine tooth comb and will blow every inaccuracy out of proportion.

Wasn't that also around the time where their CEO said "Don't like the game, don't buy it"?, and afaik they had some party which celebrated dunking on "bigot" gamers or something. Either way it did not end well for EA. 

I honestly don't think them delaying it is going to save the game. The other stuff they are doing feels more damaging to their overall image than the gameplay itself for Shadows. 

Ya EA/DICE did a bunch of dumb stuff, whether it ended up on social media or they put it out there themselves. BFV felt similar to Mattrick and XB1.

I think the only way Shadows does well is if they delay and go hardcore on historical accuracy, however long that takes, no matter the cost. Then market the snot out of the fact you listened and went the extra mile to give the people what they asked for.

I'm not getting my hopes up.