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Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Good point. They could have been stopped at Crimea.

Now do you understand why placating them is a bad idea? Lol.

They should have been stopped at Crimea, they could have been stopped at Crimea, but instead the Western world largely looked the other way, Obama gave Russia a slap on the wrist, we went back to business as usual with Russia (also ignoring them illegally occupying parts of Moldova and Georgia) because we wanted those sweet trade deals and we're terrified of "escalation"

And Russia repaid us by spitting in our face and invading the rest of Ukraine.

Ukraine has been fighting Russia since 2014...It took until 2022 for the West to start actually sending Ukraine significant military equipment because we finally went "Okay, now you've gone too far" but the reason Russia was able to go too far is because they were emboldened by our lack of action, by our fear, Russia's military was weaker in 2014 than it was in 2022 and we could have stopped them there.

Also by staying in Crimea and Donbas, Russia in effect would have prevented Ukraine from ever joining NATO because Ukraine would not have been able to join NATO whilst in active conflict and Ukraine would have remained in active conflict as long as they rightfully continued to recognise Crimea and Donbas as their territory.

Yeah, Maybe so. Probably so. Definitely so. Damn this is depressing.