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Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

You can tell Putin would leave the war if he had a chance to do so and look good in the process, like keep parts of Eastern Ukraine. I'm fairly sure this is how experts and analysts are accessing things but it's just my gut feeling.

BTW. Are you okay man? You're always very quick to sarcasm and spite. 

Your suggestion is to let them keep Eastern Ukraine? Are YOU okay? This is not how experts and analysts see this, most actual military analysts and historians agree that this would be a stupid and horrible compromise not just for Ukraine but for world peace, your suggestion is to reward the genocidal maniac with 20% of a country when the only reason Putin may be regretting the invasion is because his military was a corrupt joke and has now became bogged down and needs a reset, which is hard to do during wartime.

What would happen is Russia keeps 20% of Ukraine, they fix their systemic military issues and then when Ukraine is defenceless once again because they can't join any alliances for some reason that only benefits Russia, they would then make another attempt on Ukraine and either this time be successful in taking the entire country or they'd take another 20% and then we'd hear from the same people again "oh lets just make peace, let them keep that 20% too" and then again and again until they have the entire thing.

Why do I know this? Because it is what any dictator would do and it's what Russia has already done to Ukraine, they didn't start their invasion of Ukraine in 2022, they started in 2014 by forcefully taking over Crimea because they claimed it wasn't Ukraine's, what did the world do? Exactly what you're suggesting, "Let them have it, for peace!" and what did Russia do? Invade more of Ukraine in 2022.

When are you guys going to learn that bending over backwards for a fascist monster doesn't stop the fascist monster? Why is some dude from Ireland which nobody gives a fuck about invading telling Ukraine that they should surrender 20% of their damn territory that they've fought and died for? Territory that still has Ukrainians being treated horribly by Russians.

How about this scenario; Your neighbour breaks into your house because he claims he's paranoid about you being near him, he slaughters half your family, then he takes up residence in a couple rooms in your home, then the police come over and say "Suck it up, let him live with you, it's for peace bro" and then abandon you to deal with it yourself.

No, that's not my suggestion and I'm not playing armchair general with this. I just want the conflict to end, Idk at what cost personally but for conflicts to end consessions have to be made on both sides. We know the conflict will come to an end and there will be no clear winner so right now it's only prolonging suffering. If putins as mad ad they say he is and as stubborn as he appears to be what's to stop him gambling on a tactical nuke to avoid loosing. Fuck that. 

It took decades of killing and suffering here in Ireland over a damn swath of land before we came to some type of resolution, what was it all for when it could have all been avoided had it been easily predicted that there would be no clear winner and consessions would eventually have to be made.

I just say find a way to cut it out now without more killing or desperate move from Putin like gambling that a tactical nuke will not start global nuclear war and if he does gamble on that he could well be right.