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TallSilhouette said:
BraLoD said:

Is there anything that can be done to protect gaming from this absurdity? Some "Influencers" are more than happy to fuel it to get the audience of those brain-dead people for themselves.

You started moving toward the root of the problem in that second sentence. The problem is a cultural one; not with 'woke' developers or publishers but with a community that was already notoriously immature and misogynist and in recent years is being increasingly pandered to by the right wing to turn them into rabid reactionaries who will swarm on anything that offends them (typically anything that appeals to any group they hate) like bloodthirsty piranhas. It's important that developers don't give in to the hate mobs but we also need to find a way to get better at reaching the disaffected youth or the divide will only continue growing larger.

That said, I don't see Yotei getting anywhere near the hate other games have gotten unless the main character turns out to be LGBT or something. Personally, I hope we get a Blue Eye Samurai outfit. ^^

Sadly everywhere were news about the game are posted I see a very decent share of the posts revolving around the world "woke".

Be it official Sony/Playstation posts on social media or reddit threads, youtube videos and streams, everywhere it already is a decent amount of the "feedback" the game is getting.

Saw some people getting questioned what about the game was supposedly woke or if it was just because the protagonist was a woman, and them those idiots went on to rant about the game being a DLC of the original, or other made up in the spot shit to try to justify them hating on a woman when they get called out.

I even just learned what was DEI and Sweet Baby Inc because those are already mantras being passed on to hate on the game "wokiness", to the point I can guarantee most come from a very few same places where this is being pushed.

Funny enough, Ghost of Tsushima was the game being used to stir hate on TLoU2 on big youtube channels back in the day, sadly channels I got to know because of that. GoT was a kind of counter argument about what a good videogame was used to hate on another Sony exclusive, TLoU2, and now GoY is being hated... just because the protagist is a woman now too.

I watched the recording of Asmongold live reaction of the SoP, and it had a mostly very good reception, aside from Horizon remaster that is, up until they realized GoY protagonist was a woman, than his chat turned into a shitshow. He spent a good few minutes reading all the posts after the SoP livestream finished, and it was overwhelmingly dominated by that. First I think he was making fun of his chat, I still think that to a degree, but the video ends without it being clear, but it was crystal clear the unnanimous hate about a woman being the new main lead in the sequel.

You can check for yourself any kind of comment section on any social media, threads or videos about the game, it's already one of, if not the, major points of "discussion".

@The -pi-guy I hope you can get tagged too, sorry if not.