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LegitHyperbole said:

Nuclear energy is so much safer these days. It's such a pity we aren't using it. Chinas over there building a thorium reactor and we're freezing grannies to death in the name of renewable energy.

LegitHyperbole said:

Problem solved. 

China is learning renewables aren't all positives and have their drawbacks, at least with today's tech. Maybe in the future they'll be able to solve it with new and advanced tech or even changing social norms. (video related)

If nuclear can be made even safer than the safest version the world has now, along with keeping the initial construction costs reasonable or lower, it's definitely what they should be focusing on long term, with everything else propping up the system for the time being. Unless other energy sources become much more efficient too, because then we might as well implement whatever makes sense wherever we can. Too much energy production is never a problem as long as you can get it where it needs to go for cheap enough.