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curl-6 said:

Have the forum rules against flaming been discontinued without me noticing?
It's now okay to openly call another user a "dipshit" and face no repercussions?

This is a political thread where good moderation is lackluster, no matter from which angle you look at it. Or in other words, the usual standards from other sections of the forums do not apply here. It's a regular occurence that even the most blatant trolling doesn't result in consequences.

Now in this particular case here, the lack of moderation would actually constitute an improvement over how things are handled. There's a user who consistently posts garbage and when you consider his overall posting history, it can't lead to the conclusion of trolling or malice in general. Adjectives that apply for the behavior are inept, stupid, incompetent and contempible, all of which are used as the definition for the word 'dipshit'. So this is a case of a spade being called a spade and my stance on this subject should still be well-known. Therefore, if zorg1000 faces no consequences, that's good moderation.

Now even it plays out like this (that nothing happens), it won't mean anything for the other sections of the forums. So whenever the next installment of quickrick pops up, you shouldn't call him a dipshit.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.