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XtremeBG said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Take the numbers directly of the stores that are still live in the USA. Ps5 is sorted as is Switch, someone posted the numbers above. Forget overlap between ps4 and ps5 and region exclusive games. Forget ps3, 360, wii and wii U, the numbers aren't correct but they can't be that far off cuase it was before the indie bloat and mobile port boom. 

Everything will be from one source only. Either everything will be exact on point, or it won't be. It's not only 360 ps3 wii, there is XBOX platforms too, there is PC, there is PS4. It's too many, to just take 2 of them from the stores, where the numbers is off for sure, because of delisted games for example, or ovelapping and collections. And then leaving the other ones just as that, when they can be a lot off too. If wikipedia is not accurate, for the new generation, it won't be fully accurate for the old as well. However all the data is presented there, for all the consoles and years. I can't find another source from which to take it. Also the numbers may be off however the % difference per year and console, I think is on point, I feel like the same for the years after 7th gen, at least for the big games they became less and less with every year. The exclusives too. So I don't know what 10 000 games you talk about, but the big games we have each year, are way less than 6th 7th and 8th gen years for sure. I personally am more inclined to believe the wikipedia data, not from exact numbers but from ratio and difference between consoles and games per year. The only ongoing console I feel is strong about software and number of games, and it is comparable to 7th and 8th gen is the Switch. And this is the reason, the number of games didn't drop more per year, than it is according to wikipedia. Switch hold the things afloat, compensating for the lack of games on the 9th gen, and PC included, on the PC I feel like the same, the games were just a lot more back in the previous generations. The big 3rd party games in general are far less and rare now compare to before.

Yeah, but you count all games or what's the point and there is obviously waaasy more games than 5th, 6th and 7th gen. Regardless I understand but it is a pity to leave it so wildly inaccurate to the state of gaming today. Like I said in the beginning this is an impossible task. 😔