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XtremeBG said:
LegitHyperbole said:

It's by far the most accurate yet. If you look you can see ps5 games account for 3,500 and since there is such overlap the the number must be closer to the 9,991 than closer to the 3,800 on wiki, like much, much closer but there's the other issue in that different regions have different numbers of games, this 9991 figure is PSN only in America so I'm inclined to believe the 10,886 number from the Moby games site but that's gut feeling. Like we established at the start of the thread this is an impossible task to get truly accurate cuase of the digital stores and shear quanity plus overlap, I think getting rough figures is better than going through all 9,991 games listed and figuring out what's what and we can most definitely say for PS4 that the wiki figures are drastically low as with Switch which is closer to 15k it seems. 

Okay, but I can't still take some number out of the air and put it there. I need raw exact data, and not only on 1 or 2 platforms, but If I will change something from the wikipedia data, I need all. If we can't find all, then it's that.

Take the numbers directly of the stores that are still live in the USA. Ps5 is sorted as is Switch, someone posted the numbers above. Forget overlap between ps4 and ps5 and region exclusive games. Forget ps3, 360, wii and wii U, the numbers aren't correct but they can't be that far off cuase it was before the indie bloat and mobile port boom.