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Ryuu96 said:
jason1637 said:

Ukraine isnt Afghanistan. It means more to Russian history and how close it is makes it easy to annex. Look at Crimea Russia really stole that not too long ago. I 100% support Ukraine but this is war and if a deal were to happen I dont see anyway Russia isnt getting more land.

Were not going into World War 3 theres going to be limits to how much the West gets involved and continue to support Ukraine in this. And Russia has nuclear weapon as a last resort if the war goes on too long and they want to stop it. 

The key issues with Ukraine have been the West (largely America + Western Europe) dragging their feet in supporting Ukraine, constantly doubting Ukraine's ability, a stupid amount of bureaucracy where we've spent months debating on whether to send this, or that and constant stupid fear of "escalation" holding us back, that last one is largely coming from America and Germany.

Putin is not going to use nukes and that's exactly the fear that holds America back from helping Ukraine to the fullest.

It's not a popular policy here. Whoever it is we're not going to do more than supply and train. Any politician that tries to engage in direct war with Russia is getting their party elected out in the midterms and won't be relected as President. It's Career suicide.

We don't know what is in Putins mind. All we do know is that he has nuclaer weapon and the Kremlin is taking another look at their Nuclear weapon policies.

After all the brainwashing Russian media has done do get their population to believe Ukrainians are Nazi sympathizers and Putin is not going to back down he has said this himself.  Maybe i'm optimistic but I dont see how you take 20% of a countries land and back down. Especially someone as arrogant as Putin.