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Ryuu96 said:


But it's not a fear of Russia, Imo. It's that they want America to turn into Russia, they believe Russia isn't "infected by the woke" and has "traditional Christian family values" which is basically a dog whistle for "fuck anyone who isn't white and Christian, fuck gay people, women in the kitchen, men control the world" this culture war has evolved so much that Americans are practically on their hands and knees begging to become Russia 2.0...It's a fucking embarrassment and old school Republicans would be rolling in their graves. All cause they're bigots and can't stand the sight of anyone different from them, they must shill for the Nazi Russia.

Course that leads to idiots flying over to Russia then immediately regretting it like that recent couple from Canada, Lmfao.

Yeah, the Christian nationalists and their ilk deploy the term "woke" much too generously. I find it a satisfying pejorative with which to describe a very particular kind of left wing politics. When we talk about the woke era in American politics, what I mean by that is a period wherein that term was a fashionable thing to be called. Essentially it was a time when social justice, but in particular racial justice, activism was popular. I regard it as something that began with the police murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri back in 2014, peaked during the George Floyd protests in the summer of 2020, and ended with the surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban (that cultural moment) the following August. The term comes from the black liberation movement specifically and was popularized in the 2010s in such a way as to apply primarily to the more advanced positions of the racial justice movement during that window of time. If its central and most defining task was to end the age of mass incarceration then it could be said to have succeeded in that the prison population dropped by 30% between 2011 and '21, with a steeper 40% decline in the number of imprisoned black people. I attribute the decline of the movement to the window of time that I do because that was the window of time in which the term "woke" went from being something people called themselves to a disparaging label heaped on one from without. We are clearly not in the woke era today. That moment is in the past tense.

Did the woke era go too far? Yes. Yes, in some areas I would say that it did. To an extent, the current, more conservative moment that we're in could be described as a natural corrective period. But the woke era also achieved important things that we shouldn't retreat from. One doesn't need to repeal the last two centuries in order to find the right balance between racial equity and public safety; between the needs of women and men; between the needs of the natural world and the practical needs of working people to have affordable energy; between the humanitarian needs of immigrants and refugees and the finite resources of our communities; between pursuing self-determination for the Palestinians and respecting the same for the Jewish people. There is a difference. I use the term "woke" to characterize the excesses of left-wing politics: ideas like abolishing police departments, not enforcing laws, the open borders movement (which yes is a very real thing), the degrowth movement, this sort of mindset. Basically the Green Party platform. When conservatives use it to describe everyone who supports abortion rights or red flag laws or the subsidizing of renewable energy development or marriage equality or who opposes mass deportations, they lose credibility because those are just normal positions that most people embrace. Most people support marriage equality and oppose mass deportations. And when you start talking about how the world is secretly run by a cabal of civil service workers who need to be systematically purged and replaced by partisan loyalists to the president, you have lost your fucking mind and need to put down your goddamn phone a bit more often and get back in touch with real life.

Last edited by Jaicee - on 09 September 2024