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Jumpin said:

The Old School Republican Party died when Reagan’s neoliberalism came in. And it crumbled into the putrid swamp that is MAGA—a movement which (ironically) seeks to destroy the foundations of what made the US great in the first place.

Another great irony is the quality of people who support Trump is almost all the lowest quality of human being: gluttonous, weak, cowardly, dogmatic, racist, credulous, and foolish. I’d say cowardice is their primary mode of function. The loading up with guns, the xenophobia and racism, following instead of leading by example, the religious sanctimony because they fear going to hell (despite not following Jesus, just claiming they do), this fear of Russia that motivates them to support Russia, even right down to the incel sexism, these all grow out of intense cowardice.

MAGA support for Trump comes because Trump embodies a success of these negative values. They ignore the fact that he inherited his wealth. He’s an aspiration and inspiration for lazy, dull-witted cowards across the US.


But it's not a fear of Russia, Imo. It's that they want America to turn into Russia, they believe Russia isn't "infected by the woke" and has "traditional Christian family values" which is basically a dog whistle for "fuck anyone who isn't white and Christian, fuck gay people, women in the kitchen, men control the world" this culture war has evolved so much that Americans are practically on their hands and knees begging to become Russia 2.0...It's a fucking embarrassment and old school Republicans would be rolling in their graves. All cause they're bigots and can't stand the sight of anyone different from them, they must shill for the Nazi Russia.

Course that leads to idiots flying over to Russia then immediately regretting it like that recent couple from Canada, Lmfao.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2024