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By the time the switch 2 launches, the ps5 would have been out for 4.5 / 5 years. This is a long time in terms of technology being on the market and advancements made since.

We all know the switch 2 will be like the first, and have a portable device. Right? So thee question is, is it possible to have a hand held with the power of of ps5 or a ps 4.7, considering ps5 would have been out for nearly 5 years by the time switch 2 launches.

Then factor in past launch prices, and cost of gpu/cpu and other tech being a lot cheaper. You'd think/expect the switch 2 to be nearly on par with a ps5, definitely have more advanced tech than a ps4 pro and hopefully better than a series s.

Regardless, when i buy the switch2, if i'm fortunate enough, i want it for nintendo games by nintendo. I'm not concerned about other third party. There's a certain charm that only comes from nintendo, and it's a breath of fresh air.