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I don't think any of the stuff on the front page necessarily needs to be, but some stuff could be behind a click (imagine maybe some tabs). But that's probably way more effort than we're looking at right now, considering the available manpower?

Cut the avatars entirely, for all I care. I don't think they're worth much on the front page, especially since they indicate the creator of the thread instead of the latest poster. I would think the creator is typically important when a thread is new but loses importance as a thread ages. But I'm fine with either choice, really. Might also want to consider whether the forum section becomes too compact if you remove the avatars altogether, compare to all the other content (of course this could be resolved by adding more threads to the front page).

I personally think the Poll of the Week is fine on the front page, but I won't be very sorry to see it go either. I think it fits there well enough on PC, but on mobile it's probably a bit much. In fact, on PC I might even consider raising it above the forum section, but maybe that's just me.

I'm going to refrain from commenting on the Prediction League, since I don't really care about it. Of course I guess that's also one opinion: I certainly won't be missing it if it goes, but like I said, I don't use it, so of course I won't be missing it.

Community contributions almost certainly needs to go. I just don't see how it's front page stuff. It can be interesting, but I don't think it's worth cluttering the front page with. Additionally, it highlights how inactive the community is these days by default: the latest reviews section, which is what's displayed by default, shows reviews that are 9 months old at this point...

The scroller for the forum sections is horrible, but I don't really use it anyway, so whatever as far as I'm concerned. Would a dropdown, maybe a themed one, perhaps work? Of course that's two clicks versus the one of the two-liner. I'm not a fan of the two-liner either due to the space it requires, but it's much more usable than the scroller version we have now, so I don't think I would mind that change.

Would it make sense to combine Latest Charts with Latest Software Updates behind tabs?

One thing I noticed if you get rid of a lot of stuff on the front-page, the article/news section 'overflows' the other content, lengthening the page unnecessarily. That's not necessarily a proble, but it's not ideal either. Maybe use smaller images for some of the older news on the front page? Of course... That doesn't seem to solve anything on mobile devices anyway, so maybe not the greatest idea after all.

Last edited by Zkuq - on 24 August 2024