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Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

Do you only judge graphics by engines or lighting? Artistic design is also a huge part of graphics that's why  people view of the best looking will be always be subjective.  The art in the game is better then anything using u5 so far.

You made a claim. I rebuked said claim.
Seems the majority in this thread disagree with your various incorrect assertions anyway.

Unreal Engine games can look impressive for each console generation they have debuted on, but they do tend to look "samey" as they are using the exact same rendering pipeline... And often the same middleware like Speed Tree.

It's the more custom engines that tend to shine.

And considering your thread title is based on the "visuals" of a game. I.E. "Looks to be the first true nextgen game" and your first post states "the graphics look amazing as well" - It would seem graphics and first impressions are also important to you.
If not, then you haven't learned anything over the last few days.

I also literally don't care about your subjective view points, I only care about objective facts.

Objective facts? DF calls the graphics out of this world and the God of creator and director calls it the most beautiful game ever on PC. I guess pemalite is here telling us it's just your run of the mill U5 game, and it's a fact.