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Snesboy said:

A) SSBB was a disappointment especially how they nerfed all the characters and all that and made DeDeDe godly. Which is bullshit.

B) Every time I put it in the Wii, after I play one or two songs it brings up the dreaded "Disc Read Error" and I get pissed off. Since this is my most played game on the Wii and I can't play it without bullshit occuring, I have just decided to call it quits. That and a significant amount of other factors:


1) Virtual Console: Where the hell is GoldenEye 007? Where is Majora's Mask? Where is Road Rash 64? WHERE THE HELL ARE THE N64 GAMES IN GENERAL?!?! COME ON!!

2) USB 2.0 ports: They are there why the hell can't I save files onto a USB Memory Stick? Why can't I print pictures off of the Photo Channel? Why are they even there to begin with?!?

3) Photo Channel: Why can't QuickTime movies play in that p.o.s Photo Channel even though it says they can play? Why can't I play .mp3 files like I used to be able to?

4) Ethernet Port: WHY ISN'T THERE ONE ON HERE?!

5) Why can't I save Wii files to a GameCube memory card?

6) Why aren't all my GameCube accessories compatible with the Wii?

7) Why is the system made of cheap-as-a-whore plastic?

8) Why can't games load more quickly? It is the successor to the 'Cube after all

9) Why isn't there any voice chat?

10) Why are the controllers way over-priced?

11) Where the hell are the good games? What happened to Disaster? And Project HAMMER? And Pikmin 3?

12) Since when does "Third Party Support" equate to "Shovelware"?

A) If you think Brawl is nerfed, you need to be smacked. This is teh first time I've ever felt like the game has some honest balance

B) Take a can of compressed air and blow it into the drive, or get one of those disc cleaner things that has the cd but with the soft cloth on the bottom. I don't know what you've done to get the lens dirty, but that's pretty much what that particular problem has been traced to.


1) Liscencing rights for Golden Eye, Major's Mask had a port to Gamecube that ended up going buggy, I'd rather they fix it and give a non buggy version than try to rush it. I dunno about Road Rash or whatever, Maybe no one cares about that except for you.

2) I'm pretty sure they're working on the usb ports, chill out. There were plenty of ports on the N64 and Gamecube that didn't ever get used at all. As for the photo channel, what the hell, you want to hook a printer up to your Wii? Why?

3) It's called the PHOTO channel, not the MOVIE channel. Also, if you want to play mp3s or whatever, I think you just need to delete the photo channel from the Wii memory, it'll revent back to the old channel that can play MP3s

4) You remember question #2? Well, there's a USB to Ethernet adaptor for those people without wireless networks, congratulations.

5) What the hell is the point of saving Wii files to your gamecube memory cards? Are you retarded?

6) Because it's a Wii system, not a gamecube. I'd like to see you try to get every PS2 accessory to work on the PS3 without needing a hacked together adapter of some sort

7) Because you're a cheap plastic whore

8) To teach you patience, go play the PS3 or 360 and see how well their instl times run you

9) Most people have a telephone. use that. If your'e talking in game voice chat, it's very simple. I don't want to have to listen to people bitching as I kick their ass.

10) Overpriced? What are you on about?

11) They made way for games that a lot of people are demanding, lik eSmash Bros and Mario Kart, not just games that you want

12) Since developers started designing for standard SNES/PS2 set up controllers and don't know two shits about how to use motion controls.


There you go, questions answered.


Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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