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Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

Lol it's a opinion and a common opinion at that. I mean we can post 4k pics of these console games right now and 99% of people will just choose what art style they like more and provided plenty of evidence to back my point. Including hundreds of people on gaming forums backing my opinion. 

I don't care about opinions. I care about facts.
If I was to run into a burning building and used someones elses "opinion" on the current fire behavior, it would get me killed.

And stop with the lies where you believe 99% of people support you. They absolutely don't. It's a lie you keep repeating.

Either way, I am not going to go around in circles with you anymore as it's a waste of mine and everyone's time and the forum doesn't need that kind of rhetoric.

How am i lying when i showed a  poll of people on a hardcore gaming forum with developers saying that the best looking game is still a lastgen game, that supports my argument that the visual jump is not that big and really comes down to art style. Of course graphics matter but the best looking games from lastgen clearly don't look dated to many people, and that's my opinion if you don't like just ignore me till you learn the differen between opinion and fact.