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LegitHyperbole said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Yes, I do think graphics can be too realistic. There’s a visual language to video games, which maintains a certain safe distance from reality. Eliminate that distance and something important is lost. It’s not unlike 48 FPS in movies — it might be technically better but it goes against a cinematic language that’s been operating for a century.

I think video games need some level of artifice to work.

Exactly, there's a soap opera effect after a certain point. I'm hoping games go more for renaissance art effect in their realism. Elden Ring already had that oil painting effect on landscapes and some other games do it too and some say that's a bad looking game. One game that gets it right though is RDR2, it looks so much like a fresco painting in certain conditions and many people call it one of the best looking games of all time. 

Real life can look like a painting and thats what RDR 2 goes for. if you ever watch nat geo with use of their  100,000 cameras that's what realstic games should be going for. Just watch 5 minutes of this and tell me you would not wanna game that looked like that lol.

Also the last of us 2 character models look far more real then those in cyberpunk and its not even close.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 19 August 2024