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Leynos said:

What's this obsession with Reshitera and holding their views on some fucking pedestal? That forum is full of extremist hypocrites who ban anyone not within the herd views. No, I never joined or ever wanted to. They constantly pretend to be offended. If a game has a female character that shows even a spec of skin they throw tantrums. Then later when it's no longer trendy to pretend to be angry they sing the game's praises. They're just as far extreme and nuts as NeoGaf just in the opposite direction.

No one is holding there views on a pedestal. They are the biggest gaming forum, and i use them to show that there is a lot of people that agree with me. when it's the same 3-4 people here all the time trying to say i'm wrong, and acting like my opinion is something no one agrees with. It's the samething with beyond3d the most famous tech forum for ages i made a thread and guess what most agreed wiiu was infact weaker.