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BasilZero said:
spurgeonryan said:

But I would not know why the forums have become what they have become. Site must be making money because Brett hasn't closed it down yet or if he sold it, they've not shut it down yet.

Tell me this, since I have been out of the loop for half a decade or so, is there much to talk about..gamewise these days? I see political threads and other non-gaming threads taking up a lot of room on a gaming site. Maybe right now is just a big lull in games? Sony is not over taking the Nintendo platform this gen, yada yada yada. Here we are?

Gaming has never been bigger as it is now and there's plenty of games coming and currently in development, enough for chatter of all types of genres and platforms.

I think the popularity of forums has dwindled due to the changes of the last several years thanks to social media changing (Discord, Instagram, X/Twitter, Reddit, etc).

spurgeonryan said:

Nintendo was always a soft spot in users heart here, but there used to be plenty of Sega, Sony, PC, and especially Microsoft gamers here as well to even it all out.

Another ..probably guess, Nintendo members are still around because Nintendo is doing really well right now. Obviously there are many who are multi-platformers still around, I see them still active. So again, small, probably bad guess.

A lot of people moved on for different reasons. Its been like what....10+ years since the forum was super active. A lot has changed in the last 10 years, even for me - graduated from school, married, had a child, bought a house, etc. I'm sure its if not the same, similar experiences for others.

Ryuu96 said:

At one point Curl was practically making all the threads, later, I started making dozens of threads but eventually gave up. The issue is that it seems to fall on one person to actually make the threads when every single person needs to chip in if they want to increase site activity.

I remember making threads - it was whenever an announcement for a new game was released. I would put a picture, copy a line or two from the source, put my opinion piece and link the source, I remember being called a Nintendo fanboy, Sony fanboy and a PC fanboy at different times, was quite funny looking back at it now.

I dont really have the time or patience to post threads so I just hang out in the nation threads....ironic considering I complained about how the nation threads pretty much killed off conversations outside of those threads for gaming related discussions back when the threads were mainly political, off topic....I dont even go to the hot topics or forum index as much anymore so I guess its probably the same as it was years ago.

(I check my VGChartz buddy lol)

LegitHyperbole said:

Hah, so ya tried that already. Welp. I mean if ResetERA users and NeoGAF users knew that things aren't the same over here, they'd migrate. But there's no way to let them know. 

No, they wouldnt.

If anything, you'll probably get one or two people from there if you are lucky.

ResetERA is mainly a extremist left leaning website and NeoGAF in its current form is a extremist right leaning website.

These sites are built and designed like hiveminds because thats what they are. If one person says something that goes opposite of the rest of the site says, they will either be banned or trolled to the point where they will be forced to leave because they wouldnt be able to handle the mental stress. Imagine being trolled by someone here, thats just one person but multiply it by 100 or more.

Its the reason why there's so many splinter/spinoff sites from people who visited ResetERA who no longer are there. The PC community got cut by more than half and they have their own website or are active on Discord. Apparently the asian community was pushed off as well and a lot of people left cause of some drama that happened a while back. I've seen some people saying that they cant bear being on the site anymore because the conversations are getting too much for them.

It sucks that there's no inbetween - I guess you could say this place is the closest to it.

Only reason why I go on ResetERA is mainly for announcements and stuff for gaming, anime, movies, tech. I dont post on there as much as I used to - the first 5 years I was really active but over this past 6 or so months, my activity dwindled and I'm mostly lurking because you never know what you say could get you banned at any point.

Like new words, new terms or simply agreeing to someone (who has a different point of view) can get you banned.

If I remember right...I think my last ban was I said I would rather have another texas winterstorm freeze over a hot boiling summer - so I said either situation leads to power loss, might as well be during the freeze where you can bundle yourself with clothes, sweaters, blankets to keep warm over the boiling summer where even if you got butt naked you'll be cooked if there's no AC, fans, or any type of cooling.

I said that and I got banned because what I said was "insensitive" - mind you this is me going through BOTH the texas winterstorm from years ago and going through an entire outage of power during hurricane season in the past.

After going through Hurricane Beryl last month and not having power for 2 days in a house with a elderly woman and a 2 month old child - ya...I'd rather take the freeze than go through 100+ degree weather like I did last month.

Oh I know exactly what ERA and GAF are. What if you could tell the ones that are getting banned (Which are the sensible ones) that there's a nice cosy spot over here away from that nonsense. Why do ya go back? It's like some social experiment that's gone completely wrong. Sure ya can get news on Twitter...  not that that place is much better in it's own way.