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Pemalite said:
Kynes said:

I am surprised that a user is allowed to talk so openly about piracy, years ago it was almost an instant ban, now there are users who brag about emulating a system on their laptop and nobody does anything about it.

Emulation itself is not illegal, all the console manufacturers do it and even video game publishers do it.

The grey area is in the distribution, duplication and circumvention of copy protection for the software, which does vary from region to region rather greatly.

curl-6 said:

BOTW is more demanding than Black Flag, we can measure this by how they perform; Black Flag on Switch is a dynamic 1080p while BOTW is a dynamic 900p because its heavier on the hardware.

Breath of the Wild also requires more hardware resources during emulation. More demanding games tend to do that.

zeldaring said:

Botw is  rushed port, it should easily get to 1080p dynamic resolution when you compare it to wiiu specs. Besides by the same token AC black flag ran like crap on WiiU.

I am going to assume you are taking the (excuse my Australian) piss.

What empirical evidence do you have that it's a rushed port?

zeldaring said:

Botw port was a very unimpressive effort by nintendo. I think we can all agree with that.

It was bare bones essentially being only a resolution bump. But who cares? The base WiiU GPU hardware is better than the 360 and PS3, so games ported from WiiU to Switch tend not to drive other visual features.

zeldaring said:

 mean, while they name botw that ran on system that several developers Said was on par with last gen or weaker but ok.

I already provided evidence prior in this thread that has empirically determined this statement to be blatantly false.

Stop ignoring evidence to push your own agenda.

zeldaring said:
While recently Darksiders II developer Vigil Games said Wii U is "on par" with current generation consoles, now a band of anonymous developers have spoken out to Games about the machine's power, claiming it's not got quite as much grunt as its current opposition.

One anonymous developer said:

No, it's not up to the same level as the PS3 or the 360. The graphics are just not as powerful.
Which was backed up by a second, also anonymous dev:

Yeah, that's true. It doesn't produce graphics as well as the PS3 or the 360. There aren't as many shaders, it's not as capable. Sure, some things are better, mostly as a result of it being a more modern design. But overall the Wii U just can't quite keep up.

So what's the problem with 360 when developers that makes games say it's on par with last gen or weaker. If 360 is a problem then wiiu should be as well. TeraScale 2 was 2009 so t developers were familiar with it. 360 and ps3 could also do pbr.

Here is counter evidence:

That's two sources from me.

Yea I see them as developers trying to  sell/hype there games but the fact is those developers saying it's weaker were right in 90% of the ports that wiiu could not keep up. So I choose to believe them and you can choose to believe what you want and ignore 90% of ports.