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curl-6 said:
zeldaring said:

Those games are usually very limited in scope and don't really have much going calcualtions wise. According to restera xenoblade blade 3 hits 540p when action gets intense. That Pic you posted looks like it has smear of Vaseline on it.

You're moving the goalposts; you said it was too weak to handle them without sacrificing resolution in a big way. You don't get to now rule out the games that disprove this statement. And Sniper Elite 4 has massive open maps with tons of enemies and interactive objects in play, and it runs at or very close to 1080p while running PBR, screen space reflections, bokeh depth of field, etc.

Using base resolution in a game with temporal upsampling and other image reconstruction techniques doesn't accurately portray the end result; DF themselves said it provides a "passable 1080p."

  • has FMV in the intro
  • XC2 dips as low as 360p with sharpening
  • XC3 might feature temporal upsampling
    • sampling previous frames to improve IQ
  • XC2 was spatial
  • common resolution is 540p in docked
  • fast motion reveals the true res
  • in portable, the resolution is similar to XC2 (360p minimum) but significantly better IQ

DF summary