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Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

Again this is about DF best looking games not games using the most advanced feature set, if it was about the games with most advanced graphics features they would have actually named games like witcher 3 and doom arent on the list and do you know why it's because they look like mud. botw runs on hardware objectly  weaker then the 360 yet you named it as the most impressive open world game just a few posts ago, when we know witcher 3 is way more advanced so you are allowed to do it but i'm not?

Correct. It is about the best looking games.
And the best looking games use the most advanced feature set. Nice attempt at trying to change the direction of discussion.

Breath of the Wild runs on GPU hardware that is objectively stronger than the Xbox 360. More Ram, more cache, more advanced GPU with more modern rendering features and efficiency improvements... And yes, I am still talking about the WiiU.

curl-6 said:

They look pretty much the same to me texture wise; DF didn't highlight any shortcoming there in their analysis either. Not sure why textures would go backwards when moving from a game built for Wii U to a game built for the more capable Switch.

Tears of the Kingdom used many of Breath of the Wilds textures and assets to save on development time. They are pretty much identical.
Tears of the Kingdom did -add- additional textures and assets, but they are of similar standard/quality to fit in with the current art style.

...Tears of the Kingdom did make some engine improvements, but that also came at the cost of performance, the Switch was already being pushed by Breath of the Wild at a hardware level, so they could only take things so far.

zeldaring said:

No SVOGI, due to art driven GI that was the reason, just found it on resetera.

To remove the baked lighting would have taken extra development time and money.

SVOGI is also a form of Ray Tracing, the Switch was already taxed running running Crysis 3.

This really depends on the tradeoffs someone might prefer a higher resolution vs better lighting. Red dead at 1080p would not be possible on wiiu, same for frame rate as well unless everything is equal then a advanced feature doesn't make it a better looking game it's subjective. Nice try though.

As for wiiu sure it was more modern but 360 ram was 2x faster and and had more shaders, I think wiiu GPU was slighty better but i think it could could have easily run BOTW and looked 95% the same with a better framerate, thanks to the cpu.

Frankly many of these advanced features don't even make a huge differnce sometimes. like in this video it's suppose to be massive step up in lighting technology  but i don't feel like you would be missing much with out it. l would take high resolution/frame rates all day based on what i'm seeing here.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 01 August 2024